TCA Peels For Tattoo Removal

Picosure Tattoo Removal Black Ink delivers laser energy that specifically targets tattoo ink, resulting in the successful shattering of just the ink particles without harming the surrounding tissue. Getting a tattoo done on different parts of the body has become very popular now. If you are one of them who love to have some tattoos on your body, you may initially be very happy and proudly display the tattoos before your friends. However, a time will certainly comes when you want to get rid of tattoos for some reason. Now comes the hard time since tattoo removal needs some specific procedures.

Many people change their mind and want to get rid of the tattoos and for such people a TCA peel treatment brings the answer. It is normal for people to start thinking of getting rid of tattoos after having them for a considerable time on their body. TCA tattoo removal peel is just for such people. TCA peels for tattoo removal is one of the most effective methods to get rid of tattoos.

Chemical peels are in use for a long time to correct many skin flaws and to rejuvenate dull and lifeless skin especially of the face, neck, and hands. During the last few decades, dermatologists start looking more closely on chemical peels to expand their treating scopes. They successfully discovered ways to give a controlled reaction to the skin to treat it from many flaws.

TCA tattoos removal peel works on the target area by a mean of controlled burning to take off several skin layers and to encourage new skin layers to take the place of the removed layers. Used in a concentration of 20% to 45%, TCA solution is found safe and it produces less severe side effects. However, when higher concentrations of this peel are used, the chances of complications or more severe side effects increase too.

While removing tattoos, a TCA peel treatment is found less painful and simple. When we compare TCA tattoo removal solution with other tattoo removal methods, we find TCA having an upper hand. Some people with enough experience with chemical peels try TCA peel at home to remove tattoos. However, a TCA peel treatment can better be done by a dermatologist or other professionals specialized in such skin care treatments.

The procedure of tattoo removal by a TCA peel treatment is not complicated. You have to apply the acid on the target area, spreading gradually until you cover the whole area. After leaving the solution on the skin for a specific time, you have to wash it off and follow other after-treatment care.

The skin gets some inflammation that breaks apart the layers having tattoos, and the removal of the layers encourages new skin layers to take the place of the removed ones. In two weeks after the treatment, the skin will peel off, significantly lightening the tattoos. You may not get the desired result during the initial treating sessions, and would have to undergo many sessions before the tattoos disappear significantly.

You shouldn’t be tempted and use the peeling treatment with less gap between two treating sessions. You may have to give a good four to six weeks’ gap between two treatments. Depending on the conditions to treat and on the strength of the acid used, the time of next treating session has to be adjusted. Lighter tattoos go faster than darker ones. There is no doubt that after several properly done TCA peel tattoo treatments, you will find the results that you had intended.

While it is true that a TCA peel treatment is good for tattoo removal, it is also true that you have to take help of the related professionals to have the treatment done properly and without any complications. Better consult a dermatologist to know how the tattoos be removed safely.